Aviation Summit

Aviation Summit

Aviation Summit
Brand Identity 
& Collateral

Client: Abbi Agency
Role: Designer

Client: Abbi Agency
Role: Designer

The Aviation Summit was an annual gathering of flying enthusiasts that was quickly gaining in popularity. I began working with the event directors on a brand identity and collateral package which represented the aspirations of the event hosts and communicated their passion for flight.

Aviation Summit Collateral

The Process

This project began with an immersion into all-things aviation. The client requested a mark with a clean look that communicated an aspirational love of flight to all enthusiasts, not just the seasoned pilots. 

To achieve this, multiple concept sketches were developed and from that process, this mark was chosen. The clients were particularly drawn to the strong, upward sweeping triangular element which feels established and aspirational. Forming the bar of the "A", the universally recognized horizon line identifies the mark with the world of flight.

Collateral was developed to demonstrate the versatility of the mark across a variety of mediums. With the sale of the event to a new partner in 2016, the mark has now been transferred to Scheyden Eyewear.

Aviation Summit Logo Explore
Aviation Summit Banners
Aviation Summit Style Guide

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